So, I have encountered an issue (maybe self-inflicted) in Word that I am trying to overcome. I have some 40 different documents on transportation in Japan (pls ignore the esoteric topic) and I want to integrate/edit those into one coherent book chapter following a chronological development. Well, the documents obviously have a chronological order, however the content in those articles don't follow the actual chronological development, they were created somewhat willy nilly in the order of how my research was moving forward. Ordering the files according to creation date will do nothing.
I sort of realize now that I should have put some tags about the year or period in question, that is however moot at this stage. Does anyone have any idea/tip on how I can order the content in chronological order so I don't have to reread every article?
Search for years (19xx, 20xx) in each file to give you rough idea what is in each one, jot a main year down for each file.
Highlight the years found so they are relatively visible.
Sort your list by year, merge your docs together as chapters in that order.
Won't be perfect but could get you started.